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NID DAT 2023 prelims result released for BDes programmes at

The National Institute of Design (NID) has released the preliminary Design Aptitude Test (DAT) results for Bachelor of Design (BDes) admissions. Candidates who appeared for the NID DAT 2023 prelims exam can check their B.Des DAT Prelims 2023 results at using their login credentials. The exam was held on January 8, 2023. Candidates can apply for rechecking from March 30 to April 1

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The National Institute of Design (NID) has released the results of the preliminary Design Aptitude Test (DAT) for admission to Bachelor of Design (BDes) programs today, on March 16, 2023. Students who took the NID DAT 2023 prelims exam for BDes on January 8, 2023, can check their results on the official website – To access their results, students must enter their credentials, including email ID and date of birth

NID Result 2023

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nid result 2023

The National Institute of Design (NID) successfully conducted the Design Aptitude Test (DAT) prelims examination on January 8, 2023, with a total of 15,000 students appearing for it. The exam was conducted in two phases, with the first phase called the prelims examination, as informed in the notifications. The results of the prelims examination, a qualifying round, will determine which candidates will move on to the next level of examination, called the mains examination, which will decide their rank and position for admission. The NID DAT Result 2023 for the prelims examination held on January 8 will be announced on the official website in the months of February and March.

NID DAT 2023 prelims result released Highlights

Organization National Institute of Design
Examination Design Aptitude Test
Conducted on January 8
Conducted by National Institute of Design
Result announcement dates February 28 and March 30

NID DAT 2023 Answer Key Released

Candidates who took the Design Aptitude Test can access the answer key only upon request, after the completion of the admission process. The exam is designed to evaluate the creativity and overall aptitude of candidates. The official portal will not provide the answer key, as per the rules. However, the answer sheet will be available for one year after the final result is announced. The admission of candidates to different NIDs will depend on the institutes’ terms.

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NID DAT 2023: Cut-Off Marks, Rechecking Dates, and Merit List

The National Institute of Design (NID) will announce the Cut off marks for the NID DAT 2023 Prelims exam, which will be the basis for the final exam. Candidates can check the official portal for the Cut off marks.

The minimum qualifying criteria for NID DAT 2023 are listed below:

Courses Open OBC – NCL EWS ST SC PwD
BDes 50 45 50 40 40 40
MDes 50 45 50 40 40 40

The Cut off marks will be based on the categories of the candidates, and they must score the minimum average marks to qualify.

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NID DAT Rechecking is available for candidates who are dissatisfied with their scores. The important dates to apply for rechecking are:

Rechecking Request for DAT Prelims: From- Thursday, 1800 hrs. 30 March 2023 till Saturday, 1600 hrs. 01 April 2023.

Candidates applying for rechecking must pay Rs. 2000, and the details of the submission process will be available on the NID website in a few days.

NID will prepare a separate merit list for each category, such as GENERAL, GENERAL-EWS, OBC NCL, SC, ST, PwD, and OVERSEAS. There will be no separate result scorecards, neither digital nor hard copy, for the Pre exam. NID DAT scores cannot be used without prior permission from NID.

The shortlisted candidates will appear for the studio test and personal interview during the Mains stage. The Main exam question paper will be in English only, and the tie-breaking policy will follow the handbook of admission.

NID Dat Result 2023 for Prelims

The National Institute of Design (NID) will release the NID DAT Prelims results for MDes and BDes courses on different dates, with the former being announced on 28 February and the latter on 30 March. The preliminary exam was conducted on 8th January and a large number of candidates participated in it. It takes about two months for the institute to announce the NID DAT Result 2023 for Prelims, which is a reasonable timeline for any exam-conducting body.

Qualified candidates from the prelims will have to appear for another critical phase of the examination, NID DAT Mains, after which the final NID DAT Result 2023 will be declared, and eligible candidates will be offered seats in the National Institute of Design.

NID DAT 2023 Expected Cut Off

The National Institute of Design will release the cut-off for different categories at the time of counseling in May. After the exams are over, NID releases the NID DAT 2023 Cut Off for all categories, based on which seats are allotted to students. Seats for each category are pre-decided or reserved, so competition becomes intense. In general, the cut-off score to qualify for the prelims examination is between 20 to 35, depending on the institutes.

Some top-ranked institutes require a high cut-off for prelims, such as the National Institute of Design Ahmedabad, where the prelim cut-off last year was 31. The cut-off also varies for different branches, like animation and film design, which have the highest cut-off due to their demand in the film industry, high value, and packages.

NID Admissions 2023: Understanding the Weightage for DAT Mains and DAT Prelims

The National Institute of Design has released the weightage for the DAT Prelims and DAT Mains exams that will be used to prepare the final merit list for the B.Des and M.Des courses. The weightage distribution for NID DAT 2022 for the B.Des program is as follows:

Exam Component Weightage
DAT Prelims 40%
DAT Mains 60%

For the M.Des program, the weightage distribution is as follows:

Exam Component Weightage
DAT Prelims 30%
DAT Mains 40%
Studio Test 30%
Personal Interview

NID Cutoff & Minimum Qualifying Criteria

To be considered for admission to their chosen program, the candidate’s final percentile score must exceed the minimum qualifying criteria set by the National Institute of Design after the conduct of DAT Mains. The minimum qualifying criteria for different categories are as follows:

Category Minimum Qualifying Criteria for NID Admissions 2021
Open 50
EWS 50
SC 40
ST 40
PwD 40
Overseas 50

Apart from the minimum qualifying criteria, the National Institute of Design also releases institute-wise NID cutoffs to allot seats to candidates based on merit.

How to Check NID Seat Allotment List 2023?

NID seat allotment rounds will be conducted for all shortlisted candidates at Ahmedabad. Candidates can check the NID seat allotment list by following the below steps:

  1. Visit the official NID website.
  2. Click on the NID seat allotment link.
  3. Enter your registered email address and date of birth.
  4. Click on the ‘Submit’ button.
  5. View and download the NID seat allotment list.

Colleges Accepting NID Scores 2023 & Seats Available

This year, a total of 305 seats are available for BDes admissions at NID Ahmedabad, NID Andhra Pradesh, NID Haryana, NID Madhya Pradesh, and NID Assam. The distribution of seats for BDes admissions at different NID colleges is as follows:

NID Colleges Total Seats for BDes Admissions
NID Ahmedabad 346
NID Bengaluru 200
NID Bhopal 135
NID Delhi 500
NID Hyderabad 200
NID Kolkata 250
NID Pune 200
Total 1831

Candidates who qualify for the NID admissions through the DAT Prelims and DAT Mains exams will be eligible for admission to the B.Des and M.Des courses offered at NID campuses across India

2023 NID DAT Seat Allotment Process

The seat allotment process in the National Institute of Design is based solely on the scores obtained by candidates in the NID DAT Result 2023 Mains examination. The scores obtained in the Prelims examination are only for qualification purposes, and do not affect the seat allocation process. After the Mains examination, a counseling session is conducted where the cut off scores for various categories and institutions across India are released. Based on these cut offs and matching categories, students are allocated their seats in different National Institutes of Design. The seat allocation process is transparent and fair, and students receive their deserved seats. Upon completion of the course, students have the potential to secure high-paying jobs based on their performance in the course, making NID DAT Result 2023 an important factor in their career success.

How to Check NID Seat Allotment List 2023?

NID seat allotment rounds will be conducted for all shortlisted candidates at Ahmedabad. Candidates can check the NID seat allotment list by following the below steps:

  1. Visit the official NID website.
  2. Click on the NID seat allotment link.
  3. Enter your registered email address and date of birth.
  4. Click on the ‘Submit’ button.
  5. View and download the NID seat allotment list.

Colleges Accepting NID Scores 2023 & Seats Available

This year, a total of 305 seats are available for BDes admissions at NID Ahmedabad, NID Andhra Pradesh, NID Haryana, NID Madhya Pradesh, and NID Assam. The distribution of seats for BDes admissions at different NID colleges is as follows:

How to Check NID DAT 2023 Prelims Result for BDes

  1. Go to the official result website of NID at
  2. Click on the link that says “BDes DAT prelims 2023 result”
  3. A new page will appear on the screen
  4. The NID DAT 2023 prelims result for BDes will be displayed
  5. Download and print the result for future reference.

The official schedule states that the window for requesting result rechecking will be open from March 30th to April 1st.

NID DAT Merit List Download 2023: Categories, Scores and Selection Process

The National Institute of Design (NID) will prepare a merit list for each category, as per the official notification, including GENERAL, GENERAL-EWS, OBC NCL, SC, ST, PwD, and OVERSEAS. Please note that there will be no separate result scorecards, neither digital nor hard copy, for the Pre exam. The scores achieved in NID DAT cannot be used by any institute or person without getting permission prior from NID.

Shortlisted candidates will have to appear for a studio test and a personal interview during the Mains stage. The Main exam question paper will be in English only. In case of a tie, the tie-breaking policy mentioned in the handbook of admission will be followed.

Important Link 

Link Description Link
NID Official Website Click Here
B.Des Direct Result Check Link Click Here

Frequently Asked Questions about NID Dat Result 2023

How can I check my NID Dat Prelims Result 2023?

To check the NID Dat Prelims Result 2023, you need to visit the official website of NID at and click on the link for the respective program. You will be required to enter your email ID and date of birth to log in and access your result.

When will the NID Dat Mains Exam 2023 be conducted?

The NID Dat Mains Exam 2023 for the M.Des program will be held from March 20 to April 23, 2023, while the DAT Mains for the B.Des program will be conducted on April 29-30, 2023.

What is the NID cutoff?

The NID cutoff is the minimum score that candidates need to obtain in order to be eligible for admission to the B.Des and M.Des courses offered at NID campuses. The cutoff is determined based on various factors such as the number of seats available, the number of applicants, and the difficulty level of the exam.

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