|| meghalaya police recruitment, Meghalaya police result 2023, Meghalaya police new notice 2023 , Meghalaya police recruitment list ||
here we are providing you all the information about Meghalaya police result 2023 in our article through which you can get a result easily. we are going to let you know when and where the merits lists will be released. we are going to tell you clearly about the process of downloading the result so you can know every information so read our article fully till the end to know about it and kindly add our website to the bookmark.
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Meghalaya police result 2023
vacancies for the state of Meghalaya have been released and the total number of 1015 vacancies is released by the Meghalaya police for this post. all the candidates will be selected on the basis of their merits and demerits through The selection process. all the candidates are supposed to apply online for this post. The application is going to be open only for a certain period of time. so hurry up an application for this post online till the last date by visiting its official website.
The return exam for this post was conducted from 26 February 6 March 2022. The exam was conducted in a very disciplined and fair manner.the recruitment is being conducted at the level of the state. so to apply for this post a person should be a resident of Meghalaya no other person who belongs to other states can apply for this post. because after being recruited for this post your job will be also in the same state that is Meghalaya for more details you can visit Its official website.
megapolice.gov.inresult 2023 highlights
🔥 Name of authority | 🔥 Meghalaya police |
🔥 Name of Post various | 🔥 Police Bharti |
🔥 Total vacancies | 🔥 1015 |
🔥 Levels | 🔥 State level |
🔥 Date of Exam | 🔥 26 feb-06 March 2022 |
🔥 Result mode | 🔥 online |
🔥 Result date | 🔥 NA |
🔥 official website | 🔥 www.megapolice.gov.in |
Meghalaya police result release date 2023
The result is going to be released in online mode You can get your result by visiting the official website and providing here registration number and date of birth. your result will be based on your written test.
the clear information will be available one or two days after the release of your result. so that you can check your result quickly on time to be selected for this post you must have this exam.
Meghalaya police merit list 2023
You can check your merit list after the release of the result online. before the release of merits, the official notification for the same will be issued. so that all the candidates can check it. candidates whose names are mentioned in the merit list are only recruited for this post. so as per the rule if your name is not mentioned in the merit list you cannot get recruited for this post. The merit list is best on the level of results.
Details printed in your Meghalaya police result 2023
To check your result you must know the details printed in a result then you can check it easily so all the details given in a result are as follow:
- Name of candidate
- Name of authority
- Date of birth
- Name of father
- Name of mother
- Total gained marks
- Total percentage
- Final result pass/fail etc.
how to get Meghalaya police results online 2023?
- first of all visit the official website of the Meghalaya police.
- Secondly, select the result option on the homepage.
- After that on the next page, enter your registration number and date of birth.
- After filling all the documents click on submit.
- Then you can see the result on your screen.
- Lastly, save it and take of print copy too.
if you want further enquiry about Meghalaya police result 2023 then message us in comment section our team will be there to connect with you as soon as possible.
ध्यान दें :- ऐसे ही केंद्र सरकार और राज्य सरकार के द्वारा शुरू की गई नई या पुरानी सरकारी योजनाओं की जानकारी हम सबसे पहले अपने इस वेबसाइट sarkariyojnaa.com के माध्यम से देते हैं तो आप हमारे वेबसाइट को फॉलो करना ना भूलें ।
अगर आपको यह आर्टिकल पसंद आया है तो इसे Like और share जरूर करें ।
इस आर्टिकल को अंत तक पढ़ने के लिए धन्यवाद…
Posted by Amar Gupta
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- meghalaya police recruitment , meghalaya police recruitment , meghalaya police recruitment , meghalaya police new notice 2023 , meghalaya police new notice 2023, meghalaya police new notice 2023 , meghalaya police recruitment list , meghalaya police recruitment list , meghalaya police recruitment list
FAQ Meghalaya Police Result 2023 Merit List PDF Download Link
Will you please let me know when will be the result of the 2022 recruitment.. and what is the cut off marks mean… Is it totally wit the pet and the written exam involved
Definitely bro. its the total marks of PET, written test and interview. there is no specific cut off as such but the chance of getting are at least 80% in PET and 80% in wriiten test. thank you
B nonrem
Sir’ my results AB constable exam result is not released why Sir like this please release it Sir my Roll number is 26027287 check Sir my results I really want to see it .help me Sir to release it may god bless you Sir please release Sir help us Sir I am from Shangpung
I feel so bad because my results AB constable exam is not released Why Meghalaya Police do like this .my roll number is 26027287 Please release my results Sir