
PM Modi Drone Didi Yojana 2024: Empowering Women in Agriculture through Technology

By Amar Kumar


Imagine soaring through the sky, surveying vast fields, and revolutionizing agriculture with the power of technology. This is the vision behind the PM Modi Drone Didi Yojana 2024, a groundbreaking initiative empowering women in rural India through drone technology. This scheme promises to be a game-changer, not just for agriculture but also for women’s economic independence and social empowerment.


इस आर्टिकल को हिंदी में पढने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें 

PM Modi Drone Didi Yojana Key Highlights:

  • Target beneficiaries: 15,000 women’s self-help groups (SHGs) across India.
  • Objective: Provide drones and training to SHGs for offering drone services to farmers in areas like crop spraying, field mapping, and precision agriculture.
  • Duration: 2024-2026.
  • Budget: ₹1,250 crore.
  • Benefits: Increased agricultural efficiency, reduced costs, higher crop yields, and economic independence for women.

Key Highlights of the PM Modi Drone Didi Scheme

Feature Details
Target Beneficiaries 15,000 Women’s Self-Help Groups (SHGs) across India
Objective Provide drones and training to SHGs for offering drone services to farmers
Services Offered Crop spraying, field mapping, precision agriculture
Duration 2024-2026
Budget ₹1,250 crore
Benefits Increased efficiency, higher yields, reduced costs, economic independence for women

Drone Pilot Training for Women:

The scheme emphasizes skill development alongside technology access. Women from SHGs will undergo comprehensive drone piloting, operation, and maintenance training. This includes theoretical knowledge, practical flight simulations, and hands-on experience in agricultural applications.

PM Modi Drone Sister Scheme



Drone Business for Women Farmers:

Empowered with drone expertise, SHGs can establish drone businesses, offering services to farmers in their communities. This could include:

  • Crop spraying: Drones can precisely apply pesticides and fertilizers, minimizing wastage and ensuring targeted application, leading to better crop health and reduced environmental impact.
  • Field mapping and data collection: Drones can capture high-resolution aerial images and data, providing valuable insights for farmers to optimize crop management and resource allocation.
  • Precision agriculture: Drones can help in soil analysis, weed detection, and irrigation monitoring, enabling farmers to make data-driven decisions for improved yields and sustainability.

Financial Incentives for SHGs:

Incentive Description
Drone Subsidy The government covers 80% of the cost of drones
Operational Support Financial assistance for initial business setup and maintenance costs
Skill Development Grants Additional funding for advanced training and skill development in drone technology
Market Linkage Support Assistance in connecting SHGs with farmers and establishing business partnerships

Drone Subsidy for Women SHGs:

To incentivize participation, the government will provide an 80% subsidy on drone purchases for SHGs. This financial assistance will make drone technology more accessible and encourage women to embrace this innovative approach to agriculture.

Impact and Potential:

The PM Modi Drone Didi Yojana 2024 has the potential to revolutionize Indian agriculture in several ways:

  • Increased agricultural productivity: Drones can improve efficiency in crop management, leading to higher yields and reduced costs.
  • Enhanced food security: By boosting agricultural output, the scheme can contribute to food security for the nation’s growing population.
  • Women’s empowerment: The initiative empowers women with skills, income-generating opportunities, and a sense of entrepreneurship, leading to greater social and economic independence.
  • Technological advancement: The widespread adoption of drones in agriculture will accelerate technological innovation and adoption in rural India.

Challenges and Opportunities:

While the PM Modi Drone Didi Yojana holds immense promise, it also faces certain challenges:

  • Infrastructure limitations: Remote areas might lack the necessary infrastructure, like internet connectivity, for optimal drone operation.
  • Awareness and training: Ensuring proper training and building awareness among rural communities about the benefits of drone technology is crucial.
  • Sustainability and financing: Developing sustainable business models for SHGs and ensuring long-term financial viability are essential considerations.

Despite these challenges, the PM Modi Drone Didi Yojana presents a unique opportunity to empower women, transform agriculture, and drive rural development in India. With effective implementation and continuous support, this initiative can take flight and soar towards a brighter future for Indian agriculture and its women.

PM Modi Drone Didi Yojana

How to Apply for the PM Modi Drone Didi Yojana 2024 (Coming Soon!)

As of December 14, 2023, the application process for the PM Modi Drone Didi Yojana 2024 has not yet been officially launched. The scheme is still in the initial stages of development, and the specific application procedures and timelines will be announced by the government in the near future.

However, here’s what we know so far:

  • Eligibility: The scheme is open to registered women’s self-help groups (SHGs) across India.
  • Selection process: The government will likely establish specific criteria for selecting SHGs to participate in the program. These criteria may include factors like the group’s agricultural experience, technical capabilities, and geographical location.
  • Application mode: The application process is expected to be conducted online through a dedicated portal.

Here are some steps you can take in the meantime to prepare for the application process:

  • Stay informed: Regularly check official government websites and news channels for updates regarding the launch of the application process.
  • Register your SHG: Ensure your SHG is officially registered with the relevant authorities.
  • Build your skills: Consider participating in training programs or workshops on drone technology and agriculture to enhance your group’s capabilities.
  • Network and collaborate: Connect with other SHGs and organizations involved in agriculture and technology to learn and share best practices.

Important Note: While we wait for the official application details, avoid unofficial or fraudulent websites or individuals claiming to offer application forms or registration services for the PM Modi Drone Didi Yojana 2024. Only trust information from official government sources.

Once the application process begins, I will update this section with the latest information and provide detailed instructions on applying for the scheme.


The PM Modi Drone Didi Yojana 2024 is a bold and ambitious initiative with the potential to transform the landscape of Indian agriculture. By equipping women with the power of drone technology, this scheme can empower them economically, drive innovation, and contribute to food security and sustainable development. As the program takes flight, addressing challenges, fostering collaboration, and ensuring inclusive growth for a truly transformative impact will be crucial.


FAQ Related To PM Modi Drone Didi Yojana 2024

Who is eligible for the PM Modi Drone Didi Yojana 2024?

The scheme is open to registered women’s self-help groups (SHGs) across India. There is no specific requirement on the SHG’s existing experience in agriculture or technology, though having familiarity with these areas can be beneficial.

What kind of training will be provided to SHGs under the scheme?

SHGs will receive comprehensive training in drone piloting, operation, and maintenance. This includes theoretical knowledge, practical flight simulations, and hands-on experience in applying drones for agricultural tasks like crop spraying and field mapping.

How much financial assistance will SHGs receive for purchasing drones?

The government will provide an 80% subsidy on the cost of drones purchased by SHGs. This means SHGs will only need to bear 20% of the cost, making drone technology more accessible and encouraging participation.


Amar Kumar is a graduate of Journalism, Psychology, and English. Passionate about communication - with words spoken and unspoken, written and unwritten - he looks forward to learning and growing at every opportunity. Pursuing a Post-graduate Diploma in Translation Studies, he aims to do his part in saving the 'lost…

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